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Better Than Family Friendly - Family-Forming

Family Ministries

Before government, before country, before communities, and before the church, God created the family. Your family may include a spouse, children, or maybe just you. No matter the size or season, Smithville Brethren Church wants to help you intentionally pursue following Jesus Christ.

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Sunday School

We currently host year-round classes for every age in the church, from a fully-staffed nursery to an adult class for the senior saints. Our six adult classes follow a variety of formats - some topical, some discussion, some primarily prayer, and some following the lectionary. And because parents are the primary disciplers in the home, children's classes use the D6 EveryDay Curriculum.

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Friends' Club

Geared for students ages 5 through 5th grade, Friends' Club joins fun, faith, and friends; they meet once a month on Sunday afternoon during the school year. Many of the events are service-oriented, and students and friends can attend as their schedule allows.


Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School is a no-cost, Monday-through-Thursday special event for students ages five through fifth grade featuring Bible stories, crafts, games, music, snacks, and science lessons around a yearly theme. Parents, siblings, and grandparents of students are invited to join their student on Thursday night for an indoor picnic.

Youth Group

Element 412 is open to any student in grades 6-12. The name is taken from 1 Timothy 4:12:

Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity."(NIV)


Church Camp

We partner with Camp Bethany to provide a week of residential summer camps for students from third grade through high school, and a three-day weekend residential camp for students who have completed first or second grade. Located on nearly one hundred acres of remote Ohio country beauty, students of all ages can come and experience fun and adventure with others.

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